About me

My name is Lachlan Mahoney. I am 17 and Australian, but for the past several years I have been living in Mongolia after moving from England. I have been to 31 countries and been photographing them for about 4 years. I am a self taught photographer with the dream of one day making it big in the industry. This blog is my way of sharing my world with everyone, and bringing them along on my amazing adventures as well as showing how I progress with my photography. I currently am shooting on a fuji x100s (which is something I absolutely adore), I do also shoot on my Canon 600D with a few different lenses. I hope you guys enjoy my blog, since the I started it almost a year ago the support I've gotten has been amazing. So if you feel like it share it with anyone you want.

Thank you all so much.


Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Herbie Bike

There are plenty of interesting things that you come across in Amsterdam, such as this Herbie bike which just brings back old memories of loving that car. And you may say that its weird that someone would do something like that. But the small quirks that this city has like this one, just adds to its beauty and if you find the time to find them and capture them, do it. It's defiantly worth it.

I'm Back

I am sorry for the lack of uploads the past week and a bit, but I have been to Germany and Amsterdam for my spring break and I have gotten a very large amount of good photos for all of you so I decided to start of with 2 close up photos of some of the interesting things you see in these 2 countries. The top one is from Berlin and the lower on is from Amsterdam. I hope you guys like these and expect more soon.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Benny boy

Just a shout out to one of my good mates, ma German :P. He is a rather talented photographer and a cool guy just wanted to give him a shout out.
https://instagram.com/ben_sst/ if you wanna see some of his stuff on here I'm sure I can a few pics. Go give his some support and get him to create his own blog.

The next week for me in spring break and I am going to Amsterdam so hopefully the images I bring back don't fail to impress and thank you all for the support.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Gallipoli beach

All though these are not my best photos, this beach truly is amazing, this is the beach where the Gallipoli campaign was meant to take place a mere 2km from the actual site. And the serenity and beauty of this place is truly unbelievable, It is at the same level the Hiroshima monuments are and this is a beach.

Less we forget those who served and died for us, and for their bravery they will be forever remembered and forever praised.

Monday, 16 March 2015

B&W Turkey

Turkey is a beautiful colourful city, but that colour when you get rid of any colour becomes a very different place, it becomes dramatic, mysterious, it completely changes the way this beautiful country looks and feels. It's a good example of how different cities change just by the colour and the context that we look at the with

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Turkish street life

These are some of the amazing things you see on the streets in Turkey. Whether it be a group of old men talking and socialising, or a craftsmen creating some of turkeys amazing pottery, or even a man sitting out the front of his store looking after a street cat the sights that you can see when you just take the time in a single place is truly amazing the street life that goes on right before our eyes.


Thursday, 12 March 2015

To Colour or to Not?

This often is the hardest choice I face when i am editing my photos, and I have an image that looks good in both coloured and black and white. I mean I can easily just have both but it is nice to have one image that isn't repeated and that's when this choice becomes difficult.
Personally I adore B&W photography, I love the amount of drama and dynamic tone it brings to an image so most of my photos are in this format, but there are a lot, mainly to do with macro of modeling where it is a hard choice, Which often comes down to a few things. Lighting, preference and your mood, so when choosing keep your mood in mind because it may affect your photo and it often isn't for the best.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Dinner lights

Just something different I noticed as I was looking through some old photos I notice that I take a lot of photos of the lights that we have around out table whenever my family and myself travel. So I choose what in my opinion are the best and decided to make a post about them. So nothing special and nothing super inspiring but something that I thought was different. 
Hope you guys like

Friday, 6 March 2015

Take your time

In photography patience is a virtue, you need to be able to slowdown and think about the photo that you are going to take decide whether it should be in colour or not, decide how close you need to be to the subject. And don't be afraid of taking too many photos especially now days as digital is so easy to delete and edit, but that doesn't mean you should go take 100 un-thought shots of a flower and then say "I'm sure there is a good one in there." Just take your time when you do photography clear your mind and focus on you photos. The two photos I have here took me probably 20 minutes each because of the way I was trying to frame and adjust every setting to get the picture as good as I could. So just remember this take you time on your subjects, there is no point in rushing.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

The Amazing Mona

 At the start of summer last year me and a good friend Mona did a photo-shoot because she was moving back to Ireland where she is from, we did this just as a way to remember how "awesome" we are haha. But  once we got to our locations and started actually shooting it went from being just a little idea we had into being a rather nice shoot. Sadly the weather wasn't on our side and it was very gloomy and dark so we did a full black and white shoot with the idea that next year we shall do a colour one. But until then these are the pictures we got. I decided to post these just as a memory of some really fun times and to show the amazing talent that she has.

These photos are Mona's favorite
But I really like the one on the left 

Old become interesting

In every country in the world you will always see old broken things. And Mongolia is full of them, either old car seats that people leave on the side of the roads to try and sell of old wheelbarrows that they just leave in the ice covered fields. But everything you see can become and interesting subject, all you need to the patience to try something new and you will succeed. 

I would like to say sorry for the lack of uploads recently and give a good excuse but I don't have a good one apart from that I have had some other things on my mind revolving school and my private life so to everyone that still reads my blog I wanna say thanks and I hope that you all will keep on reading and continue to help me grow as both a photographer and as a blogger.